Audience of Wind

Terry Trowbridge

I can see the wind when you hear it blow,

feel vermillion after the sun’s fall show

and see the stars after any daybreak.

-      Marc di Saverio, (2013). Sanatorium Songs, p. 46.

1.     The Ontological

The script is not literature until there is a set.

An audience is present inside the play

(there is no production inside of a book).

The actor speaks the scripted word “wind”

and that is acting.

The audience that relies on the actor’s words

are, themselves, only acting.

The faithful see the wind.

They are the audience that transcends.

2.     The Cosmological

Solar cinnabar lost since the equinox,

I can feel you now, during the ice-transparent solstice.

What I know, though, is that the world

of translucence is waiting to fill and be luminous

because the unseen Sun is tilting.

The red-orange fire of returning returns

because it is always there.

The sunlight never left.

It was I who was tilted away, and even then,

practically speaking, I am not more distant.

Merely, I am tilted into the angle of a shadow

cast by the same Sun.

3.     The Teleological

The stars were in the sky before the Sun

            The stars will be there when the Sun is gone

The Moon was in the blue sky with the Sun

            The Moon with black sky with the stars

The stars were on the lake while we swam at night

            We will touch the stars again when they fall

When the lake is covered with ice the Sun will not unlock the waves

            When the lake is covered with ice the stars will be on the water

                        The Moon will be on the water

                                    The ice will break eventually